Copper is one of the most versatile engineering materials with excellent sprayability on Impact Spray System 5/8 or 5/11.

Material Characteristics:
Strength, conductivity, corrosion resistance, machinability and ductility
Application Areas:
Electrical, electronics, automotive, architect, marine, fuel gas, etc.
Process gas: Nitrogen
Deposition Efficiency: 99 %
Porosity: < 0.5 %
Properties | As-sprayed | Heat-treated |
Tensile Strength | 287 - 339 MPa | -- |
Ductility | 0.3 % - 29 % | -- |
Hardness | 93 - 125 HV (0.3) | -- |
Electrical Conductivity | 88 % - 98 % (IACS) | -- |